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Get a Free Session with My Creativity Workshop

challenge coaching creativity goals happiness hypnotherapy neuropsychology neuroscience productivity psychology self love stress reduction Dec 27, 2023

My Creativity Recovery & Growth Workshop Starts January 10

This workshop only comes around once a year - and this year it includes a private session (a $250 value - FREE) to help you release blocks that are holding you back! Make this class an integral part of your ongoing personal and creative growth every year to keep leveling up, and see your stress decrease and your productivity increase more and more.

This will be a fun and enlightening workshop for anyone - you don't have to be an artist, you just have to be open to personal growth. You'll get out of it what you put into it, and you'll have options to participate minimally or spend more time on optional extra activities. This is about progress, not perfection. You'll get to a certain point of progress this time through the course and can take it again to progress further. It's a marathon, not a sprint. It's your life-long creative journey. This workshop is meant to help you with your continual growth as a creative being.

This is a 13-week workshop combining two books/programs. We'll be discussing The Artist's Way to help foster creative recovery from a spiritual point of view, which I modify and combine with neurological and psychological knowledge and exercises to give you different perspectives on the same creative process and personal growth. You'll learn what's going on with your brain and how to hack it to get on with your creative pursuits and creating your best life. We'll have daily and weekly exercises, as well as weekly virtual meetings to discuss, share, encourage and grow. If you are an artist, you'll find your productivity and development freed and heightened, and if you're not an artist, you'll experience the same benefits with whatever work you do and whatever life you lead, as we are all creative and can develop that creativity. Who's ready to release, grow, create and inspire with me?

Here's the link to the course info and to register!

What people are saying...

"Wow.... Each week was filled with insightful readings, creative exercises and self discovery prompts to help us understand our own creative blocks & urges." - D. Tran

"This course is a perfectly mashed up journey to self help and acceptance. The surprise for me was the use of spiritual, science based and logical guidance that would appeal to anyone looking for and willing to learn how negative views of self are not accurate, reverse self talk that isn’t serving you and live your best life while you shift into a space of self love." - A. Powers

"[This workshop] has improved my quality of life, increased my feelings of worthiness, and best of all spawned a true understanding of and reignited my creativity." I. Incandela

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