Human Visual Perception and Cognition, Biopsychology, Comparative Neuroanatomy, Comparative Perception and Cognition, Experimental Neuropsychology, Hypnotherapy, Mind-body Connection, Neurolinguistic Programming, Life Coaching, Health Coaching
Attentional focus and memory reprogramming
Visual perception, attention and object recognition in humans and animals
Neuropsychology of higher-level visual information processing
Evolution of human brain structures and cognitive processing
Neuropsychology of creativity and artistry
Animal modeling of human brain dysfunction
1996 Doctor of Philosophy degree in Experimental Psychology from The University of Memphis, specializing in Biopsychology and Experimental Neuropsychology
Dissertation: Laterality and evolutionary considerations of visual M- and P-system information processing
1994 Master of Science degree in Psychology from The University of Memphis
Thesis: Attention in the rat: Effects of posterior parietal cortex lesions
1990 One year of graduate work in Cognitive Neuroscience at Syracuse University and SUNY Upstate Health Sciences Center
1989 Bachelor of Arts from Ripon College with a major in Psychology and minors in Biology and in the Philosophy of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
2019 Primal Health Coaching
Primal Health Coaching Institute
2015 Neurolinguistic Programming
2014 Clinical Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy Academy of America
2014 Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy Academy of America
2013 Professional Coaching
Coach Training Alliance
Mentor Coach: David Krueger, M.D.
Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society
University of Memphis Graduate Research Forum 1994:
2nd place, Biobehavioral Sciences, and Sigma Xi award for creativity in methodology and best presentation
Ripon College Achievement Award in Psychology
Beta Beta Beta Honor Society in Biology
Laurel Society (Ripon College Senior Honor Society)
Psi Chi Honor Society in Psychology
Distinguished Honors Scholarship, Ripon College (4 years)
Reader's Favorite 2024:
Gold Medal in the Non-Fiction: Health - Fitness genre for Reconstructing Reality
2003 RainStar University: Academic Dean
2001-02 Phoenix Institute of Herbal Medicine & Acupuncture
Academic Dean
Chair, Human Research Committee
Chair, Western Medicine Department
1998-99 Hartwick College: Self-study Committee
1993-96 Graduate Student Organization, The University of Memphis:
Chair, Scholarship and Awards Committee
1988-89 Psi Chi, Ripon College: President
1987-88 Psi Chi, Ripon College: Secretary/Treasurer
2015- Mentoring Program for coaches, hypnotherapists and NLP practitioners at Amy Rosner, LLC
2001-02 Academic Dean, Phoenix Institute of Herbal Medicine & Acupuncture
Research Methods
2000 AP Instructor, State University of New York at Delhi
Advanced Placement Introductory Psychology - taught over live video feed to students in 3 local high schools
1998-2000 Assistant Professor of Psychology, Hartwick College
Introductory Psychology, Research Methods, Substance Abuse,
Psychology of Art, Biopsychology, Sensation & Perception
1996-98 Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology, Whitman College
Introductory Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Seminar on
Attentional Disorders, Substance Abuse, Psychology of Art,
Statistics, Supervision of and Design Consultant for Senior Theses
1994-96 Instructor and Teaching Assistant, The University of Memphis
Undergraduate Research Design
1995 Guest Lecturer, The University of Memphis
Undergraduate Learning and Memory
1991-93 Guest Laboratory Instructor, The University of Memphis
Graduate Neuroanatomy Laboratory
1992 Guest Lecturer, The University of Memphis
Graduate Neuroanatomy
1991 Teaching Assistant, The University of Memphis
Introductory Psychology
1990-91 Lecturer, Cazenovia College
Introductory Psychology
1990 Teaching Assistant, Syracuse University
Undergraduate Human Information Processing Laboratory
1989 Teaching Assistant, Syracuse University
Introductory Psychology
1989 Completion of Undergraduate Teaching Seminar, Syracuse University
Cognitive Neuroscience
Cognitive Psychology
Comparative Psychology
History and Systems of Psychology
Introductory Psychology
Learning and Memory
Life/Health Coaching
Neurolinguistic Programming
Neuropharmacology & Substance Abuse
Neuropsychology; Brain & Behavior
Physiological Psychology
Psychology of Art & Creativity
Research Methods: Experimental Psychology
Sensation and Perception
Statistics (through some graduate multivariate)
1994-96 Research Assistant, The University of Memphis; Dr. Jeannette P. Ward
Evolution of attention and laterality
1992-94 Research Assistant on National Science Foundation Grant, The
University of Memphis; Dr. Guy Mittleman
Neuropsychology of attention and neglect
1991-92 Research Assistant, The University of Memphis; Dr. Guy Mittleman
Comparative neuroanatomy; neuropharmacology of behavior
1989-90 Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory, Syracuse University; Dr. Christine Chiarello
Neuropsychology of semantic and lexical priming
1988-89 Research Assistant, Ripon College; Dr. J. Timothy Petersik
Apparent motion perception
Animal Care and Use
Through formal coursework and laboratory experience I have become familiar with husbandry, diseases and disorders, and use of a variety of laboratory animals, including fish, amphibians, mice, rats, rabbits, and prosimians.
Behavioral Drug Studies
I have prepared and administered a variety of neuropharmacological agents to rats. Such agents include several specific and non specific dopamine agonists and antagonists, as well as diazepam and anaesthetic agents.
Computer-Aided Image Analysis
I have used the Jandel Video Analysis (JAVA) computer software to measure brain structures from slides, NMR images, and ultrasound images.
Computer Programming and Operant Apparatus
I have been involved with the operation of a variety of behavioral testing apparati, including electronic operant chambers controlled by SPIDER microprocessors. I am capable of programming microcomputers in Turbo Pascal to run with or without interfaced peripheral experimental devices and have had some brief exposure to both BASIC and BBC BASIC computer languages. Additional computer skills include several statistical programs including SPSS and CRUNCH. I have also worked in computer networking and obtained a CCENT certification.
Histological Preparation
The histological techniques I have used with rat and prosimian brains include removal and preparation of brain tissue utilizing freezing and celloidin procedures, as well as Nissl and cholinesterase staining.
Human Studies
I have performed many human experiments, including several which employed tachistoscopic and computerized perceptual apparati, and measurement of social psychophysiological factors such as heart rate and galvonic skin response. Training in cognitive neuroscience has provided me with experience in a variety of human cognitive paradigms such as semantic and lexical priming. I have also used SuperLab software to test detection and recognition of objects in a reaction time paradigm.
Surgical Techniques
Comparative surgical techniques that I have learned include chemical and suction ablations in rats, as well as sterile technique. I have used stereotaxic equipment, infusion pumps, and surgical microscopy.
I have had experience with operationally defining behaviors of bushbabies (Otolemur garnettii) and precisely measuring them from videotape.
Rosner, A. L. (2023).
Reconstructing Reality: Outsmarting the Brain to Rewrite Our Life Stories. Self-published.
Rosner, A. (2020).
Create Yourself in Business: Use Your Own Unique Brand to Inspire Trust and Attract Ideal Clients. Self-published.
Rabinowitz, S. & Rosner, A. (2017).
A Year of Gratitude: 365-Day Journal. Self-published.
Rosner, A. (2017). Stop Smoking & Get Healthy (Audio file).
Rosner, A. (2016). Relax & Breathe Easily (Audio File).
Rosner, A. (2015). Surgery Preparation Relaxation & Healing (Audio File).
Rosner, A. (2015). Hypnosis for Bladder Control (Audio File).
Rosner, A. (2015). Get Fit and Slim (Audio File).
Rosner, A. (2015). 21-Day Mindfulness Challenge (Mobile App for iPhone & Android).
Rosner, A. (Sept 2015). Why & How to Start a Mindfulness Practice. AZ Local Magazine, 3, 70-73.
Rosner, A. (2014). Creative Thinking Unleashed (Workshop Video).
Rosner, A. (2014). Create Yourself: One-Month Journal. Self-published.
Rosner, A. L., & Mittleman, G. (1996). Attention in the rat and effects of posterior parietal cortex lesions. Behavioural Brain Research, 79, 69-77.
Mittleman, G., Rosner, A. L., & Schaub, C. L. (1994). Polydipsia and dopamine: Behavioral effects of dopamine D1 and D2 receptor agonists and antagonists. Journal of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics, 271(2), 638-650.
Petersik, J. T., & Rosner, A. (1990). The effects of position cues on the appearance of stimulus elements in a bistable apparent movement display. Perception & Psychophysics, 48(3), 280-284.
Rosner, A. L., Ward, J. P., & Marks, W. (1999). Differential visual system involvement in processing natural and human-made objects. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA. August 1999.
Denio, S. M., & Rosner, A. L. (1999). Do women settle for lower paying jobs? Access discrimination as an explanation for the wage gap. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Providence, RI. April 1999.
Rosner, A. L., Ward, J. P., & Marks, W. (1998). Visual field asymmetries in natural and human-made object information processing. Paper presented at the Western Psychological Association Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Joint Convention, Albuquerque, NM. April 1998.
Boston, L. B., & Rosner, A. L., (1998). A symbolic interactionist perspective of creativity: Possibilities for future research. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Joint Convention, Albuquerque, NM. April 1998.
Hodges, J. G., & Rosner, A. L. (1998). Focused, divided, and sustained attentional processing in fibromyalgia patients. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Joint Convention, Albuquerque, NM. April 1998.
Hodges, J. G., & Rosner, A. L. (1998). Gender conflict issues in fibromyalgia patients. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Joint Convention, Albuquerque, NM. April 1998.
LaBar, J. D., & Rosner, A. L. (1998). Retinal and ecological object presentation effects on detection and recognition. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Joint Convention, Albuquerque, NM. April 1998.
Koppitsch, S. E., & Rosner, A. L. (1998). Effects of occlusion on shape, object, and non-object completion time. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Joint Convention, Albuquerque, NM. April 1998.
Rosner, A. L., Cantrell, B., Ward, J. P., & Marks, W. (1997). Visual field asymmetries in object detection and recognition: Involvement of dorsal and ventral visual pathways. Poster presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting and Science Innovation Exposition, Seattle, WA. February 1997.
Ball, J. F., Eacker, J. N., Reed, P. J. & Rosner, A. L. (1997). Discrimination of activity-based anorexia and effects of habituation and esterone. Poster presented at the Western Psychological Association annual meeting, Seattle, WA. April 1997.
Rosner, A. L., Ward, J. P., Dodson, D. L., & Larson, C. F. (1996). Laterality of hand efficiency during prey capture in the galago (Galago moholi). Poster presented at the International Society of Comparative Psychologists annual meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. August 1996.
Watson, S. L., Rosner, A. L., & Ward, J. P. (1996). The association between scent-marking, response to restraint stress, and over-grooming in the small-eared bushbaby (Otolemur garnetti). Poster presented at the International Society of Comparative Psychologists annual meeting, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. August 1996.
Outsmarting Your Brain and Engaging Your Creative Mind. Mesa Community College Department of Psychological Sciences Evening Lecture Series. April 7, 2015.
Cognitive neuroscience: Black boxes and “gray boxes”. Hartwick College Biology Department. February 2000.
Visual Perception and Art. Hartwick College Art Department. February 2000.
Expanding Undergraduate Research Training and Career Development in Senior Seminars (with Eric S. Mankowski). Cupp Invited Symposium: Perspectives on Undergraduate Research. Western Psychological Association Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Joint Convention, Albuquerque, NM. April 1998.
Neuropsychology of attention and memory. Tri-Cities Fibromyalgia Support Group, Washington State University, Richland, WA. June 1997.
Discriminating what’s right and detecting what’s left: Asymmetries in dorsal and ventral visual system information processing. Skidmore College, January 1997.
Creativity Recovery & Growth Workshop. Annually since 2022.
Womanpower Unleashed (with Irene Lebedies). January 24, 2015.
Hypnosis for Stress Relief. December 2014.
The Power of Introspection. October 2014.
Creative Thinking Unleashed. August 2014.
Hypnosis for Stress Relief. April 2014.
Effortless Weight Loss. February 2014.
Conference poster-making. Whitman College, January 1997.
Healthy Mind, Healthy Life. Outsmarting the: Hypnotherapy and the Art of Rewriting Your Life Story - with Dr. Amy Rosner. August 26, 2024.
Conscious Living Summit (with Dr. Beth Mauroni). Outsmart Your Brain to Rewrite Your Life Stories. July 3, 2024.
HypnoLion’s Roar Podcast (with Wayne Walker). Outsmart Your Brain For Desired Life Change With Hypnosis | Episode 9. May 17, 2024.
Off Of The Couch Podcast (with Margaret Stewart). Amy Rosner, Clinical Hypnotherapy for Habit Change. Apr 24, 2024.
Hyper Growth Zone Podcast (with Alex Morgan). Amy Rosner - Reconstructing Reality and Rewriting Your Life Stories. Mar 28, 2024.
Coaches Corner (Primal Health Coaching Institute). Leveraging Primal Health Coach Certification Across Diverse Fields with Dr. Amy Rosner. Mar 18, 2024.
Bridging Divides (with Mitchell Bates). Exploring The Mind: Reconstructing Reality - New Book by Dr. Amy Rosner. Jan 31, 2024.
Bridging Divides (with Mitchell Bates). Creative Thought is A Hypnotic State | Dr Amy Rosner. Jul 19, 2023.
Eriks Digitala Marknadsföring (with Erik Olson). Ep. 24: With Amy Rosner, On Being Authentic And Finding Your Tribe. Apr 22, 2021.
Entrepreneurs 'N Fuego. ’N Fuego 59: Amy Rosner - Amy Rosner Clinical Hypotherapy. Nov 3, 2015.
The Empowerment Hour with Mark Lewis. Doublewide Radio Network. Feb 7, 2015.